Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Her Universe and Your next clothing obession

Hi there sports fans (I'm sorry if you are not a sport fan, I'm not, I wont judge, just thought it was a good way to start this post). Anyway whilst browsing the interwebs recently I stumbled upon this new and amazing brand Her Universe that speciallises in geek culture based designs. And the best part is that all designs come in plus sizes so no one has to miss out on wearing their favourite pop culture references on their sleaves. Her are some of my favourites.

Can't say I'm a massive Captain America Fan, he's always been too much of a goodie too shoes for my liking, but until they release a Spider-Man or X-Men dress this is the next best thing for Marvel fans.


I have been wanting a couple of comic book themed tank tops for a while to brighten up my mainly black gym atire, this one will do just the trick.

Ah Dr Who, I know so much about it yet I have never watched a full episode, and yet I know what each Doctor wears and rough story lines. I do love this dress though, and if I did have to pick a Doctor I think David Tennant would definatelty win.

Ok my nerd statis is definately plumiting now since I admit I have never seen all of the original Star Wars, I have just seen the one where Han Solo gets defrosted from Carbonite and there's Jaba the Hut. I think it's the last one? I don't know. I think I saw the new ones too as I remember Natalie Portman get married but again not too sure. I digress, even though I haven't seen all the films how can I resist the cropped vest and printed belt combo of this dress? Super fun.
Now unfortunalely Her Universe does not ship to Australia, but if you have a quick google you would be able to find quite a few forwarding companies that for a small fee will allow you to never be blocked from buying your favourite brands just because you live Down Under.
Well that's all from me folks.
Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Worst Blogger EVER!

Who has two thumbs and is the worst blogger ever? This chick. Sorry for the oh so late update, the past few months have been rather hectic and I think the ball was officially dropped on the blog front. Whoops, any who best not to dwell on my epic fail and move on. For those who follow me on Instagram (redvelvetrosie) you would be pretty much up to date, but for those who don't here's a brief update of what I have been up to.

In March I had the pleasure of modeling for Melbourne's first Curvy Couture Roadshow as apart of the Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival. The day was a huge success and it was wonderful to meet so many curvy girls who are really making waves in the fashion industry.


My fellow models Oliva and Bec wearing Beyond the Sea Swimwear.

Fire and Ice dress by Harlow.
Press play for the highlights recorded by Blogger Danimezza.
Next up was Melbourne Supanova Pop Culture Expo at the Showgrounds. After a couple of sleepless nights and the help of my lovely friend Ruth I finally finished my Spider-Girl costume in time to debut it during the Sundays event.


Also go to see some amazing pinup cosplay.
April also was when I had the pleasure of attending a friends wedding at a winery north of Melbourne. It was an excellent day and gave me the opportunity to wear my new Jessica Dress from Bombshell Vintage's Atomic Bombshell collection. 


Clearly very excited to be apart of the festivities.

The lovely Bride and Groom.
Which finally brings us the June where I had the opportunity to model the new designs from Silvana Tedescos new plus size bridal couture range. These dresses are simply stunning and I cannot recommend them enough to curvy brides out there looking for their dream dress.

Oh and no big deal but I got to meet Stan Lee last week at Sydney Supanova. And by "no big deal" I mean I totally fan girled all over the place and may have cried when he said I reminded him of a young Mary Jane Watson. Yeah I know, you wish you were as cool as me.
Well that's all from me folks, stay tuned for the next couple of posts where I share a new line of geek culture inspired clothing, my winter lust list and of course, Oz Comic-Con.
Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Spidey Girl

Hooray! Autumn is finally here and with it brings the infinite possibilities of tights and cardigans and scarfs. This really is my favourite time of the year and I always try to make the most of it running about on errands or catching up with friends in the chilly Autumn air. This week I found myself at Tyranny of Distance in Windsor having breakfast when I remembered that I haven't done an outfit post in a while, luckily my friend was generous enough to take a few snaps for me.

Outfit Details:
Shoes: Target
Tights: Target



Accessory Details:
Scarf: Gift

For Christmas last year I received THE BEST SCARF EVER and have be very excited about finally being able to wear it. I was quite the Spider-Man fan when I was younger and have re-discovered how much I love it now that I'm in my 20's so it's always a thrill being about to incorporate geeky elements to my vintage inspired wardrobe. I love how the blue and red combo of this outfit compliments the scarf, I guess due to the fact that these are the colours of the Spider-suit Peter Parker wears (total nerds will also notice my purple shoes match too since purple was also featured on the original Spidey-suit in the 1960's but was changed later in the series).
I'm hoping in the future to get my hands on some Spidey fabric to make a halter dress from New York Comic Con but so far everything I have found it far too expensive or a bit too busy to be a dress. The hunt continues! 

Well that's all from me folks.
Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

MITIFOTITW vol: V October Jones and his Public Transport Companions.

Man, roman numerals are hard, had to google what "5" was for this post, there's my public education really paying off for you. Anywho welcome back and thanks for being here. This weeks MITIFOTITW comes from funnily enough, who featured illustrator October Jones and what he does to keep himself amused on public transport. If you like it as much as I do you can read the full article here or see October Jones twitter feed here. So without further adue I present to you MITIFOTITW vol: V (hope that's right) October Jones and his Public Transport Companions.




I must say the Spider-Man one is my favourite, I like how is Spider-sense warned him that his picture was being taken.
Well that's all from me folks.
Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie

Monday, 10 February 2014

When I grow up...I want to be like Myrtle Snow

Hi folks,
Last week marked the final episode of American Horror Story Coven, the 3rd season of the popular TV series that this year was set in New Orleans. Now even though the season was pretty rubbish  wasn't great the character of Myrtle Snow was defiantly a highlight for me. After a brief appearance in the first episode wearing the most amazing outfit I hoped for the rest of the season she would come back and I could perve on her ridiculous style. Lucky for me she did and now I'm pretty damn sure that when I grow up and become an eccentric old lady, that I will look exactly like Myrtle Snow.


I really think the costume department outdid themselves with Myrtle. The contrasting textures and mix matched prints coupled with a rather envious collection of gloves make her a rather fantastic style icon. I also love that even though she is an older women they weren't afraid of colour and accessories.

I want everything she is wearing in this photo, I mean who doesn't need long yellow leather gloves.

Look at the marvellous strut.

Another fabulous pussy bow blouse.

Now that I think about it there is no need to wait until I am older to enjoy Myrtle's unique style, excuse my while I hunt down that fabulous fringed wrap on the internet....

Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie.


Hi folks,
This weeks instalment of MITIFOTITW comes from the lovely ad campaigns from the Super Bowl. Now I'm not a sports fan by any stretch of the imagination but I do love a clever commercial and the Super Bowl tends to bring out the best. Thanks to Jaguar we have a rather giggle worthy clip featuring the ever so dreamy Tom Hiddleston, enjoy.

Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Is it Autumn yet?

Ok folks, I'm kinda over Summer. And by kind of over I mean seriously is it Autumn yet? I write this post from the couch of my 41 degree lounge room as I mist myself with water dreaming of a season that looks a lot more like this:
With lots of this.

 And more of this.
And with cool change of season that will eventually come upon us (please god hurry) also comes the thrill of new warmer clothes and the popular art of layering. These are some of the items I am daydreaming about as I slowly melt into my sofa:

Polka dot sheer gloves






And finally I present to you one of the most perfect pieces of clothing to ever be made...

With is soft camel colour and glorious faux fur trim I can't help but swoon every time I see it. I think I may have to invest in this pretty so it will be ready for me when the chilly months come and envelop me in their lovingly ice arms.
How are you all coping with this heat? Are you also ticking off the days to Autumn?
Well that's all from me folks.
Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie

Sunday, 2 February 2014

MITIFOTITW vol. III: Bad Lip Reading of the NFL

I love love love the Bad Lip Reading folk on YouTube. If you haven't heard of them they pretty much grab famous footage of sports, politics and film and dub over it what it looks like they are saying, completely ignoring it's context or plot. Sounds pretty simple but my goodness is it good. Be sure to check out their other work on their YouTube channel, they have a wonderful Game of Thrones clip. So without further adue I present to you MITIFOTITW vol III: Bad Lip Reading of the NFL part 2.

Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Vanity Project - Made by Limb and Betty Le Bonbon

Oh hi there,
This year I have put myself on a rather strict savings plan as I am off to New York again this year in October (freaking yay!). However because of this my normal Internet shopping addiction has been put on hold until I get back. Well that was the plan until I saw that Betty Le Bonbon have started to stock Vanity Project dresses by Limb and I couldn't resist putting through an order, after all I'm supporting local business so really I'm doing a service to my country. Right? Eh oh well...
Anyway if you are not aware Betty Le Bonbon is a awesome brand that specialises in making the most adorable circle skirts you can imagine, and in a wonderful variety of sizes and prints so anyone can enjoy them. I just fell in love with the book print skirt when I saw it, but as one of my 2014 tasks is to make a circle skirt I will have to continue just admiring this one until I succeed in making my own.

Seriously, how cute is that skirt?

Anyway back to the Vanity Dresses. The range is made by a UK brand called Limb who specialises in vintage inspired frocks in modern fabrics and novelty prints. I think it's a match made in heaven that Betty Le Bonbon is stocking them since the designs really compliment each other well. Here are a few of my favourites:

 The Hawaiian dress in Black floral


The Hawaiian dress in green floral.
I really really want a tiki dress this year as it's one of the few classic 50's dresses I have yet to own. I love the green print of this dress and the wrap around style of the skirt with accommodate my rather large tush.

June Pencil dress in Peacock with matching Bolero (sold separately).

Polly Pleat dress in Atomic print (love that fabric).

Reverse Pleat dress in Day of the Dead print.

Day dress in Blue Cowboy print.
With so many amazing dresses it was hard to choose one. But in the end I had to go with the Polly Pleat dress in Record print:

 I couldn't say no to this amazing novelty print and the sage green trim on the wide neckline and pockets (yes it has pockets too) will go nicely with my ginger locks.
Right now Betty Le Bonbon is selling these dresses at $175 each plus postage and will be placing an order once a month. This month is will be on the 30th of January so be sure to get in quick if you found a dress you can live without. Betty Le Bonbon is also giving away a free Limb dress through their Facebook page so be sure to check them out and give them a bit of love. Plus Jasmine who runs it is a mega babe so make sure to have a gander at her blog.
Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie.