Tuesday, 18 February 2014

MITIFOTITW vol: V October Jones and his Public Transport Companions.

Man, roman numerals are hard, had to google what "5" was for this post, there's my public education really paying off for you. Anywho welcome back and thanks for being here. This weeks MITIFOTITW comes from news.com.au funnily enough, who featured illustrator October Jones and what he does to keep himself amused on public transport. If you like it as much as I do you can read the full article here or see October Jones twitter feed here. So without further adue I present to you MITIFOTITW vol: V (hope that's right) October Jones and his Public Transport Companions.




I must say the Spider-Man one is my favourite, I like how is Spider-sense warned him that his picture was being taken.
Well that's all from me folks.
Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie

Monday, 10 February 2014

When I grow up...I want to be like Myrtle Snow

Hi folks,
Last week marked the final episode of American Horror Story Coven, the 3rd season of the popular TV series that this year was set in New Orleans. Now even though the season was pretty rubbish  wasn't great the character of Myrtle Snow was defiantly a highlight for me. After a brief appearance in the first episode wearing the most amazing outfit I hoped for the rest of the season she would come back and I could perve on her ridiculous style. Lucky for me she did and now I'm pretty damn sure that when I grow up and become an eccentric old lady, that I will look exactly like Myrtle Snow.


I really think the costume department outdid themselves with Myrtle. The contrasting textures and mix matched prints coupled with a rather envious collection of gloves make her a rather fantastic style icon. I also love that even though she is an older women they weren't afraid of colour and accessories.

I want everything she is wearing in this photo, I mean who doesn't need long yellow leather gloves.

Look at the marvellous strut.

Another fabulous pussy bow blouse.

Now that I think about it there is no need to wait until I am older to enjoy Myrtle's unique style, excuse my while I hunt down that fabulous fringed wrap on the internet....

Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie.


Hi folks,
This weeks instalment of MITIFOTITW comes from the lovely ad campaigns from the Super Bowl. Now I'm not a sports fan by any stretch of the imagination but I do love a clever commercial and the Super Bowl tends to bring out the best. Thanks to Jaguar we have a rather giggle worthy clip featuring the ever so dreamy Tom Hiddleston, enjoy.

Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Is it Autumn yet?

Ok folks, I'm kinda over Summer. And by kind of over I mean seriously is it Autumn yet? I write this post from the couch of my 41 degree lounge room as I mist myself with water dreaming of a season that looks a lot more like this:
With lots of this.

 And more of this.
And with cool change of season that will eventually come upon us (please god hurry) also comes the thrill of new warmer clothes and the popular art of layering. These are some of the items I am daydreaming about as I slowly melt into my sofa:

Polka dot sheer gloves






And finally I present to you one of the most perfect pieces of clothing to ever be made...

With is soft camel colour and glorious faux fur trim I can't help but swoon every time I see it. I think I may have to invest in this pretty so it will be ready for me when the chilly months come and envelop me in their lovingly ice arms.
How are you all coping with this heat? Are you also ticking off the days to Autumn?
Well that's all from me folks.
Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie

Sunday, 2 February 2014

MITIFOTITW vol. III: Bad Lip Reading of the NFL

I love love love the Bad Lip Reading folk on YouTube. If you haven't heard of them they pretty much grab famous footage of sports, politics and film and dub over it what it looks like they are saying, completely ignoring it's context or plot. Sounds pretty simple but my goodness is it good. Be sure to check out their other work on their YouTube channel, they have a wonderful Game of Thrones clip. So without further adue I present to you MITIFOTITW vol III: Bad Lip Reading of the NFL part 2.

Until next time,
Your friendly neighbourhood Red Velvet Rosie.